Embracing the Evolving Art World: The S7CAG Experience

Embracing the Evolving Art World: The S7CAG Experience

Hello, everyone!

Esteban here. I’ve been eager to update everyone on what has been going on with Sector Seven Contemporary Art Gallery (S7CAG). It’s been too long since a blog was written but I can assure you that S7CAG has been making progress.

As I ponder about what to write I’m almost overwhelmed, there is so much I’d like to share that it’s challenging to know where to begin!

So you are aware, I’m on track to complete a bachelors degree in Psychology this December and I’m very much looking forward to having more time available to dedicate to S7CAG. It’s been quite a journey to earn this degree, and I couldn’t have done it without the incredible support from my family and friends. With one chapter ending in my life a new and exciting one begins!

Let’s pick up from where we left off. Now, where were we? Ah, yes, the pop-up art gallery within the Alexander Graham building in South Pasadena had just come to a close. It was a significant undertaking, but also an enjoyable and mind opening three months where I made a lot of great connections not only with local emerging and established artists but with art collectors and other professionals in the art world. 

Pop-Up Art Gallery in South Pasadena - Artist Reception

As the pop-up gallery ended, the online gallery began to take a more structured form and the art exhibitions at the local venues were finely tuned, rotating new artwork from resident artists as well as displaying artwork from new local artists. Currently, the local third-spaces that have artwork on display that is curated and managed by S7CAG are Jones Coffee Roasters in South Pasadena, Jones Coffee Roasters in Pasadena, and at Demitasse in Santa Monica. While these spaces have a hand picked selection of artwork on display, the online gallery presents the full available collection of artwork by each artist.

Patrick Haemmerlien at the Jones Coffee in Pasadena

As you may have noticed, new artwork has been added to the online galleries of the resident artists, along with entirely new collections from artists who have just begun exhibiting with S7CAG. New artwork is now on display by artists Patrick Haemmerlein, Meaghan Tucker, and Robert Sherrill. It’s been a pleasure to witness Haemmerlein’s and Tucker’s evolution as artists; they continue to produce high-quality work while exploring new concepts, all the while maintaining their unique styles and themes. I’m also pleased to announce that, in addition to the oil paintings that form the majority of Sherrill’s online collection, there are now several watercolor pieces and prints available as well.

Phew, I know, that was a lot. But wait, there’s more!

Recently, I journeyed to Upper Manhattan in New York, where I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Rock Walker, a well-established private art collector and founder of Walker Fine Art. In the world of art, Mr. Walker stands as a singular figure with the largest collection of signed original M.C. Escher artwork, encompassing woodcuts, wood engravings, lithographs, mezzotints, prints, and drawings. This collection, however, isn’t limited to Escher; it also features works from artists such as Mirko, Stickman, Migs (Mike Chavez), and Audrey Keeperman, to name just a small selection from his vast portfolio.

Esteban with Rock Walker


Mr. Walker has played a pivotal role in my journey as an art curator, inspiring me to evolve into a private art collector and dealer. As a mentor, he generously imparts his invaluable wisdom drawn from his vast experience in the art world. He’s even granted me the incredible opportunity to showcase a portion of his collection to potential buyers and museums for exhibitions.

A walk through New York

This chance is nothing short of extraordinary, and I consider myself exceptionally fortunate to be a part of it. This endeavor has opened up a whole new chapter within the art world for both myself and S7CAG as a whole. As we continue to develop in this exciting direction, more information will become available. In the meantime, I invite you to explore the current collection entitled, 'Legacy of the 20th Century: S7CAG & Walker Fine Art Present an Exclusive Art Collection.'

And now, for a sneak peak of what’s to come:

Two exciting interviews are in the works: one with Richard Sherrill and the other with Bryanna Phimphachanh. These interviews are particularly significant because they offer an inside look of both an established artist and an emerging talent.

Richard Sherrill, a well-known figure in the Pasadena and South Pasadena art scene, has played various roles in the creative industry throughout his career, working as graphic illustrator, artist, and art professor. In his upcoming interview, he shares insights into his artistic process and the rich history that has shaped his creative journey.

On the other hand, Bryanna Phimphachanh, an emerging artist, offers a fresh perspective to the conversation. She shares her personal story of artistic growth and development, shedding light on how her education at the ArtCenter College of Design has influenced her creative process and deepened her understanding of the dynamic creative industry.

Interview with Bryanna Phimphachanh

These interviews explore the diverse and evolving world of art, featuring the wisdom of a seasoned artist and the aspirations of an emerging artist.

Thank you for being a part of the journey thus far! I'm looking forward to sharing more information as the S7CAG journery unfolds.